It's been a while since I have posted to
Illustration Friday. And I'm sorry that I've been a bit too preoccupied to be a good blog visitor these days. I am looking forward to getting back to posting and visiting. Well, one bit of news to share is that my
website is up...hooray! I've also finally joined
twitter (still learning about it), and I have designed a new
blog header for my group blog,
Smells Like Crayons . I also just yesterday finished a six-week weaving workshop with fifth and sixth graders which I will soon be posting about on my
Mrs. P's Art Blog. Right now you can see the
Famous Americans project I did with second graders in March.
So that's what's new. The image above, however, is not so new. But I do like finding images from the past that fit the theme. And if there is a witch involved, even better!
Thanks for you kind message - and what an awesome pencil drawing! Lovely stuff. :)
Very cool - I love the flowing hair!
I like the suspicious look on the girl's face, like, "You may look creepy but I'm not afraid of you!"
The Famous Americans are fantastic!
I might not mind a visit from a witch, as long as she brought along a good spell or two! Fun, shadowy piece! :o)
Dear Ann Marie!
Thank you for stopping by and commenting my blog! I like your drawings very much. I have also visited your homepage. Nice portfolio! Best wishes.
Congrats on the new website, Ann Marie! You sure have been busy...
It's nice to see you submitting for IF again, that witch is awesome! :))
Thanks for your comment on my blog! Your entry is great. I love the way the little girl's shadow blends into the shadows and witch behind the door. I checked out your other blog and I love the kid's work! Thanks for being an art educator. We need more of you! Keep up the great work!
My, you've been busy!
Great drawing, and I LOVE the expressions and flowy movement.
Took a peek at your work with kids, and I'm so impressed! The kids must have had such a blast and you too! Made me smile BIG.
Thank you all for your comments! I truly appreciate them.
what wonderful busyness you've been up to, no appologies necessary! i'm so glad all is going so well for you and all your creativeness! i'm going to go follow your links now :)
Thank you, Lori! :)
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