Wednesday, May 20, 2009

Daily Sketch Day 2

Here I am on day 2 of the 21-day challenge. I am exploring thought bubbles as you may have noticed.


Gina Perry said...

Are they related to yesterday's couple? I'm definitely intrigued...

becca said...

I like your word bubbles! Reminds me of an exercise I saw at the Maine Comic Arts Festival this past weekend. (I can't remember who presented it, either Peter Gutierrez or Laura Richter.) It was a worksheet, basically just a list of statements like "I hate you!" "um..hi." "Awesome!" etc. and the object was to draw an appropriate bubble around each one. It made me want to think more about speech bubbles too. Very cool.

Mark Frudd said...

Good luck with your daily sketching Ann-Marie.

jcdillustration said...

Lovely... and BTW I love your blog header graphic. Your dog pancake must be related to my cat rug.